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Release v2014.08.23 as current stable

* Avoid redirect breakage when installing EPEL with rpm on RHEL 5
* Ensure python-apt is installed by the bootstrap script for Debian & Ubuntu minions. Thanks
* Don't shallow clone on git versions lower than 1.7.10
* Only shallow clone on git tag based installations
* Configurable Salt repository clone directory for git based installations
* Distro Support Fixed:
* Fixed the URL to download EPEL for Cent 5
* Use the full path to the `chkconfig` binary when checking for services in SysV init
* Fixed an issue where the default sleep period(3 secs) on Ubuntu would cause a race
  condition with upstart wherein the package installation would call an upstart start and
  before it could complete, bootstrap would call another. The result was *two* copies of salt
  running which ended up causing a most stubborn bug that's documented in