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Releasing current stable as v2014.07.27

* Amazon Linux AMI 2010.xx is not explicitly not supported.
* Install the `salt-api` scripts if available when the `salt-master` is also installed.
* Added support for a configurable sleep time when starting, restarting and checking for
  enabled services.
* Drop the `tsflags` requirement for RHEL and RHEL based distributions.
* When sorting release files, oracle-release has higher priority than redhat-release.
* Distro Support Fixed:
  * Debian >= 7 uses system's python-requests package, not PIP
  * Install 'python-zypp' in SuSE and openSUSE(required by Salt's zypper module)
  * Only install EPEL on requiring distributions if not already installed
  * CentOS 7 now uses systemd and the script now properly handles it
  * systemd in openSUSE 12.2 complains if service does not contain `.service``
  * Properly detect openSUSE using `lsb_release
  * SLES 11 SP3 ships with both python-M2Crypto-0.22.* and python-m2crypto-0.21 and we
    will be asked which we want to install, even with --non-interactive. Let's try to
    install the higher version first and then the lower one in case of failure.
  * Allow some extra time on RHEL for the optionals repo check in case the repository
    subscription is being managed externally.